'Spider-Man: No Way Home' is exclusively in movie theaters on December 17th, 2021.
Spider-Man: No Way Home could have been so much more, but what we got is still pretty good
anyway! The Homecoming trilogy comes to an end in a giant multiversal war against a ton of
familiar faces, and while I enjoyed it and think you will too, I can’t help but wish we got more!
NWH picks up directly where we left off after Far From Home, with the world finding out
Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and I will be the first to admit that the first act of this movie is really
great! Tons of character building for Peter, as we see him experience things we’ve never seen a
Spider-Man experience before, and Tom Holland knocks it all out of the park. Zendaya, Jacob
Batalon, and Benedict Cumberbatch round out the cast of allies, and everyone is having a good
time and delivering on their performances.
When all of the villains come into the mix, is where things start to slow down for me.
The second act is riddled with so much dialogue that this 26-year-old grown man that was
trembling with excitement before the lights went down, actually found himself getting bored.
ME, bored in a Spider-Man movie?! While looking at ALL of these villains?! I never would’ve
predicted it either, but there I was, and I hated myself for it. It became a cordial villain hang-
out, and I think it could’ve been executed much better in hindsight.
The third act most definitely picks things up, but even the final battle feels like it’s
missing the EPIC-ness that this movie and all of these characters should be giving us. Once
again, not to say that I wasn’t invested, laughing, and enjoying myself, because I was! But I just
felt like there could have been so much more. Moments that should have had the crowd
cheering with the score blasting through the speakers, were quiet scenes of nothing but
purposeful awkward dialogue. Action sequences that should have my jaw dropped and my fist
pumping, looked like a cluttered mess that was shot and editing too quickly for me to take in
and enjoy fully in the moment. It was all entertaining, I just could’ve been blown away.
At the end of the day, I enjoyed NWH a lot and I most definitely think you will too. It has
a ton of cool characters, great performances, and plenty of surprises for the audience to
experience. I personally hold Marvel Studios movies to a higher standard, and this one, which is
actually a Sony film but produced by Marvel Studios, had unlimited potential on screen, but
fumbled many decisions.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

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