'The Glorias' is on Digital and Streaming Exclusively on Prime Video on September 30th, 2020.
Allow me to start off by saying I whole heartedly appreciate the shedding of light on the
cause of woman equality. I’m all for the sex opposite of mine to have the chance to do whatever
I do and have the same opportunities as me; a male. I don’t care about the color or the gender of
anybody as long as they do their job well, but I’d be lying if I said Julie Taymor performed a job
well done. Now, I may be at a disadvantage with reviewing a film that boastfully stands up for
some things I disagree with, but this review is coming from a completely open mind to what the
movie itself did for me.
Not a lot. At all. Possibly some of the worst pacing I've seen within a screen. Switching
between the different ages of Gloria Steinem and the flash backs of those particular ages was just
too much to keep up with. The art of story-telling is nowhere near present in this empty drag of a
movie. If they decided to leave the two youngest ages out of it, the movie would’ve been MUCH
better off. The first hour is filled with pointless scenes of her family that has almost nothing to do
with her renown and empowering movement. It may have been accurate to her actual life story,
but goodness, were trying to have an enjoyable watch here. I’ve sat through plenty of movies that
have three or more hour run times, but when it comes to the amount of times I’ve checked my
watch during a viewing, this one takes the cake. The absolute melatonin of movies.
For the most part, the acting came across as wildly unnatural, mostly credited to the
writing, which sounded like it came from a 2008 christian movie. I don’t think Julianne Moore
did a bad job, I just think that even though Gloria Steinem’s STORY is 100% movie worthy,
Gloria Steinem as a person and character is not. She was too boring and plain in the portrayal to
attract me to want to continually see her on screen. Her main solid moments were when she was
telling off some preposterously overexaggerated jerk of a man, which could’ve used quite the
upgrade as far as comebacks go. The film also attempted to attach us to characters on an
emotional level that went right out the window for me, but possibly only because the movie’s
quality put me in such a negative mood up until that point.
With all being said, I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone who isn’t a feminist. I have no
faith that this movie will win a single person over that fits outside of that description. I’m not
trying to take a shot at feminists in any way, I simply don’t believe that anyone else would
actually enjoy this film. So, with that in mind, turn the tv off, put the remote down, and take a
nice two and a half hour nap instead. Unless you want to use the first hour of this movie to help
you get to sleep, of course.
Rating: 2 out of 5

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