April 05, 2019

Pet Sematary is in theaters on April 5th, 2019.

There will always be an argument for both sides whenever a remake is announced. Everyone working on the film has to do it exactly right or people will forever talk about how you “ruined" their favorite movie. It has to be a hit or miss with some people. There’s never any leeway for a gray area for a movie to be kind of good but also kind of bad. Luckily though, Pet Sematary proved you really can be in the gray area. The eeriness of the movie isn’t maintained as well as I had hoped.

The trailer gave me goosebumps and the movie itself gave me chopped up tidbits here and there. Those scenes were predictable but extremely good. I cringed and physically felt ill for at least two of them.

Some of the details of the movie should have been expanded on more and contained a better explanation, but the mystery of the movie eclipses those shortcomings. The storyline seemed to drag on in the first half of the movie but was well worth it in the end. It isn’t the best remake, but it also isn’t the worst. If you had to choose between the nice expensive theatre and the cheaper hometown theater, go with the cheaper option or wait until it comes out on DVD.

Rating: 3.8 out of 5

Jazzlynn Jazzlynn (Contributor) is from Dallas. She's an avid gamer and watcher of anime. She usually spends her time either taking pictures of her cats, rewatching every horror movie in existence, or reading about crazy people doing crazy things.
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