Can 1 Night bring together a decent movie?
1 Night is a film that follows two couples at different stages in their relationships in a Los Angeles hotel. Elizabeth and Drew are a couple in their 30’s looking to try to reignite the fire in their marriage on the verge of calling it quits while Bea and Andy are reconnected at their prom after being childhood friends that went in differing friend circles. Both pairs spend the night wandering through the hotel, and even crossing paths several times, trying to figure out exactly how they fit in each others lives and if it is worth more than one night.
This was the perfect romantic-drama that wasn’t overly romantic, nor dramatic. With that being said, it almost felt like it was missing something. With a runtime of about 75 minutes (not including the intro/credits), it was as if some of the ideas set out toward the beginning were not fully achieved which left me wishing the film was just a tad longer.
I did however think the four main characters performances were great. . I really liked how the couples were interacting both with one another and also as pairs. The dialogue, emotions and connections between them felt realistic and genuine which kept me interested. Plus it explored the complex nature of love at different points in a relationship, which is relatable and will keep viewers interested.
Although the film isn’t too eventful per se, it does however have an enchanting ending that makes the value of watching worthwhile.
2.5 out of 5
What would I have changed? (Spoilers)
Click here to read what I would Change
I really wished this movie was longer and that they explored more of what happened between Bea and Andy that split them apart and why it took them so long to rekindle. They didn’t see each other in the hallways at school or were their group of friends really that different? Also I wish that Elizabeth and Drew didn’t have the textbook argument of cheating to push their marriage nearly to the end.
Ashley (Contributor) is an Orlando native who loves watching movies. Her favorite genres include comedies, thrillers and sci-fi |