October 15, 2021

Do you want to see MAYA AND THE THREE before anyone else? Learn how you can see a Virtual Screening, scheduled on Saturday, October 16th.

In a fantastical world, where magic turns the world and four kingdoms rule the lands, a brave and rebellious warrior princess named Maya is about to celebrate her fifteenth birthday and coronation. But everything changes when the gods of the underworld arrive and announce that Maya's life is forfeit to the God of War — a price she must pay for her family's secret past. If Maya refuses, the whole world will suffer the gods’ vengeance. To save her beloved family, her friends, and her own life, Maya embarks on a thrilling quest to fulfill an ancient prophecy that foretells the coming of three great warriors who will help her defeat the gods and save humankind.

MAYA AND THE THREE releases on Netflix October 22nd, 2021.

Virtual Screening Giveaway

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Screening links will be emailed directly to attendees who signed up, and viewable via online screening platform, Indee.tv during the aforementioned dates.