Directed by James Foley (“House of Cards,” Fear), Fifty Shades Darker also features Bella Heathcote (Dark Shadows, “The Man in the High Castle”), as well as returning cast members Oscar® winner Marcia Gay Harden (Fifty Shades of Grey, Miller’s Crossing) and Rita Ora (Fifty Shades of Grey).
In addition to both the original theatrical version and a steamy new unrated version with over 13 minutes of footage not seen in theaters, Fifty Shades Darker Unrated Edition on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray™, DVD and Digital HD comes with more than 30 minutes of never-before-seen bonus content, including cast interviews, behind-the-scenes features, and a peek at what lies ahead in the upcoming Fifty Shades Freed!
FIFTY SHADES DARKER releases on Bluray and DVD on May 9th 2017!
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